Isabelle came to New Leaf Recovery earlier this year due to the impacts her alcohol abuse had had on her family life. Her daughter had been removed from the family home and her and her partner had separated due to them both struggling with alcohol abuse. Isabelle was very anxious and had no idea what to expect from a rehab but knew she was not happy to carry on living the way she had been. Isabelle was desperate to learn how to improve her life so she could live happily and sober. Although Isabelle’s drinking had not been a daily occurrence her binging pattern had increased and worsened over the years and was aggravated by the recent loss of a loved one. Due to this and the ever-building consequences of her drinking she knew that it was now her time to stop.

Isabelle completed the full 28 day programme at New Leaf Recovery and although her main priority was of course her recovery, due to her family situation we made sure we worked closely with her social workers so that Isabelle could still remain in contact with her daughter.

During Isabelle’s first week she completed a life story and worked on her low self-esteem with her key workers and recovery workers. Isabelle had faced trauma in her childhood which had impacted her relationships in later life. Isabelle very quickly came to the understanding that she was worth more than the behaviours that she was accepting from others and therefore needed to continue working on herself to give herself the best chance at life.

Over her time in treatment Isabelle began to accept her illness of addiction and was very keen to learn more about a 12 step programme that she could live by. Isabelle looked at her triggers and consequences of her using in depth and started to realise the importance of changing her whole life in order to maintain a healthy recovery. It is without question that Isabelle found treatment challenging but she recognised that going through the emotional turmoil of looking deeply at her negative behaviours and alcoholism and the impact it had had upon those she loved gave her the motivation to change and move forward.

During her last week at New Leaf Isabelle started considering her living arrangements and what would be best for her in the long run. Isabelle decided that a slower and more controlled return to everyday living would serve her best and therefore decided to participate in our second stage programme where she moved into Silverdene Cottage and slowly reduced her attendance to New Leaf so she could also put more stringent plans in place for her future and also begin to engage in 12 step mutual aid meetings. Isabelle found a sponsor during this time and continues to work a 12 step programme and live happily and sober 7 months on.

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New Leaf offers a complete journey of treatment - from initial detoxification and rehabilitation to ongoing support, including aftercare, family support, and beyond into long-term recovery.

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