Redefining Our Understanding of Addiction

The term ‘addiction’ is used in a number of different contexts, often associating behaviour or activity with negativity and as a constant in someone’s lifestyle.  

In an ever changing world, it is vital that we redefine our understanding of addiction, what this means, what it looks like in a practical context today and how we can help break stigma’s surrounding addiction in order to further improve the help and support available to those in need.  

At New Leaf Recovery, our aim is the ensure that we offer effective treatment and therapy for those who struggle with some form of addiction, whether it be substance or behavioural. We offer a range of treatment options and lengths of stay to suit every client, ensuring that they receive the right rehabilitation for their problems and receive full support whilst in treatment, and following.  

If you would like to seek support for addiction, speak to our team today stigma free! 

Redefining addiction

What does addiction mean?

The NHS defines addiction as not being in control of what you are doing, taking or using to the point where it becomes harmful to you both physically and psychologically. Although commonly associated with substance or behaviour, it can actually apply to anything.  

With every type of addiction, the signs of it can be different and therefore harder to spot. If you have noticed a change in a loved one’s behaviour, or have become aware of your own changing habits, seek support today with New Leaf Recovery and break the cycle before it becomes harmful. 

What does this look like practically?

When in the grips of addiction, it can be difficult to see the problems with your own behaviours. Those around you often begin to pick up on changes and signs that indicate there may be an underlying problem that needs addressed.  

If you are noticing that behaviour has been more that a habit, it has become a constant, this could be an indicator of some form of addiction. Some of the common practical signs of addiction can include: 

  • Dishonest or secretive behaviour. 
  • Attendance at work or school becoming poor. 
  • Withdrawing from social situations and responsibilities. 
  • Losing interest in activities or events that previously would have been of interest. 
  • Isolation form others.  

Whether you have noticed this is your own behaviour or that of a loved one, at New Leaf we can help and support you. Our staff will listen to your problems, help you understand where they stem from and help you to find a healthier and happier life following rehabilitation and recovery. 

What are the roots of addiction?

When looking for an effective recovery from addiction, it is vital to understand that all addictions have a root cause that needs to be addressed in order to find success in overcoming the addiction.  

It is key to note that addictions do not have a one size fits all root cause. Some root causes of addiction can be harder to identify then others; it is completely dependent upon your individual circumstances.  

Some common root causes can stem from previous trauma, mental health struggles or genetic predisposition. Although these do not directly mean you will suffer from addiction, there are direct correlations identified.  

Not sure if you might be struggling with addiction? Get in touch with our team at New Leaf today and let us help you.  

Understanding the Science Behind Addiction

When in the grips of addiction, it is important to understand that the addiction causes changes in the brain affecting function.  

Most drugs typically affect the brains reward circuit. This creates the sense of euphoria and floods the brain with the chemical dopamine. Normal function of the reward system motivates a person to repeat behaviours that are needed to thrive; spending time with friends or family, eating, sleeping etc. When this experiences a surge of dopamine from taking a substance or doing something, there is a reinforcement of pleasurable behaviours that causes people to want to do this unhealthy thing again and again. This is when addiction begins.  

Sadly, once people have been doing this for some time, the brain adapts and becomes tolerant. This tolerance encourages people to take more of the substance or do more of the thing creating the hit they have become accustomed to. They begin to find less enjoyment or pleasure in other things that they perhaps once enjoyed such as social activities which then create isolation and other changes in behaviour.  

 Understanding the science behind addictions and the root causes or practicalities of addiction can help to redefine our understand of addiction.  

Breaking the stigma around addiction

Stigma is often a problem that can cause a reduction in people seeking help or support for addictions. It is a label or stereotype that is placed on people who struggle with addiction that implies a lack of willpower in their choices.  

This is often not necessarily the case and placing stigma on people can be more detrimental to their health and wellbeing in the long term. It is vital to change perspective on addiction in order to effectively break the stigma surround it and encourage those who struggle to seek support and treatment.   

Why not read our blog on the stigma of addiction today and help break this. 

If you would like to seek support, treatment or guidance for yourself or a loved one, please do not hesitate to contact New Leaf Recovery today.  

Redefine recovery from addiction

Whilst redefining our understand of addiction, it is vital to also redefine recovery for addiction and understand the need for healthier habits and lifestyles. Our aim at New Leaf is to support every client that comes to us, but to also provide support for their families who may also have been struggling during this time.  

At New Leaf Recovery, we offer a range of treatment lengths of stay to suit your needs, ranging from 7 days to 28 days stay. We are able to provide flexible treatment lengths in order to maximise your recovery. During this time, our team work with you to help understand your lifestyle, circumstances and how best to navigate through your addiction in order to find a more positive outcome following rehab.  

Whilst with us at Cherry Tree Cottage, we offer a range of therapies that help and support your rehabilitation, helping you to find new methods of coping as you move forwards. We offer art therapy, 1:1 or group sessions, counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and more. For more information on our treatments, take a look online today or contact our team for more information.  

If you are seeking aftercare support for your addiction recovery, New Leaf can help you with this too! Speak to our team today about our aftercare programmes. 

Taking the first step towards recovery can be difficult, but worthwhile. At New Leaf, we are here when you are ready to seek support and guide you through the process to a more rewarding lifestyle.  

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