Art Therapy

What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilises communication and creativity to express physical, mental, emotional and spiritual emotions. Not only can this help with client’s mental health and well-being, but it can help them to resolve issues and find a way to manage their emotions.

It is designed as a means of helping clients to express their emotions in a way that can then be talked through and understood. It can help clients to become more self-aware and more confident throughout rehabilitation and recovery.

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Art therapy can come in a number of different forms:

  • Dance
  • Poetry
  • Writing
  • Drawing, colouring or painting
  • Collage
  • Ceramics and more.

Any form of creative expression can be considered art therapy, helping individuals to find their own way of expressing their emotions in a way that they are comfortable and able. There is no one-size-fits-all with art; at New Leaf, we encourage all clients to be creative in their own way during these sessions.

Conditions that art therapy are helpful for range from anxiety and depression to stress, emotional difficulties and substance addiction.

As art therapy is helpful during any stage of detoxification and rehabilitation, it has a number of benefits for clients:

  • Learning how to understand emotions
  • Understanding how to express emotions in a healthy way
  • Developing a sense of self-awareness and confidence
  • Developing methods of dealing with anxiety or stress
  • Working through different life experiences
  • Discovering new interests, hobbies or talents
  • Improving relationships and communication.

Often, there are times in recovery where individuals cannot seem to verbally express their thoughts, and this is where art therapy is most helpful. It enables those who are in addiction recovery to visualise their thoughts, feelings and emotions through an artistic focus.


There are 3 forms of art therapy which can be used:

  • Gestalt method: This approach is when a therapist tries to help the patient verbalise their thoughts. This usually begins with the creation of artwork which may help their expression.
  • Third hand: The third hand method means that the therapist assists with the artistic creation, but the patient directs it.
  • Active imagination: This method encourages clients to be imaginative and creative in the form of art therapy that they choose. The therapist will observe what has been created by the client and ask them questions.

New Leaf Recovery offers art therapy as part of our recovery programme.

With alcohol or substance addiction, art therapy can be incredibly helpful in identifying the root cause of addiction. When combined with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), this provides a creative outlet for clients to then talk through with their therapist during CBT sessions.

At New Leaf Recovery, we offer a range of therapies and treatments for clients to participate in during their rehabilitation stay with us. Why not take a look today and find out how we can help you or your loved one with their addiction recovery?

Art Therapy for Addiction Recovery at New Leaf

Each form of therapy and treatment has been included to help our clients express and explore a mixture of methods and find the best option for them. There is no one form of therapy that suits everyone; at New Leaf, we take into account your circumstances and tailor our recovery programme to suit your needs and help you find the best outcomes during your stay.

Alongside our rehabilitation, we offer an introduction to the 12-Steps Programme. This is a long-term recovery plan that helps individuals with their recovery whilst in rehab, and afterwards. At New Leaf, we help get your started on this journey whilst staying with us, encouraging you to continue post-rehab.

If you or your loved one needs support for addiction or substance abuse, get in contact with New Leaf recovery today. We can help you find a healthy state of mind for your future, including art therapy and more.

Addiction Treatment

Our Complete Recovery Journey - from your initial enquiry, all the way through treatment and beyond into ongoing support, New Leaf Recovery are there to guide and support you.

Treatments & Services

New Leaf offers a complete journey of treatment - from initial detoxification and rehabilitation to ongoing support, including aftercare, family support, and beyond into long-term recovery.


Getting the right accommodation enables us to provide the right backdrop for our recovery methods.  Any form of rehabilitation needs to happen in a safe, comfortable, secure and friendly environment.

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