Easter, Excess, and Addiction

Easter is a time of celebration, renewal, and hope – a great time to commit to something like addiction recovery. However, for many people, it is also a time of excess, whether it be overeating, overdrinking, or overindulging in other ways. For individuals in addiction recovery, the holidays can be a challenging time and a…

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Understanding the Connection Between Eating Disorders & Addiction

Eating Disorders Awareness Week is an opportunity to raise awareness about the serious and often misunderstood mental health conditions that affect millions of people globally. At the same time, it highlights the link between eating disorders and addiction, as both can have devastating effects on a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. What Are Eating…

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Time to Talk Day: It’s Time to Change

Time to Talk Day is an annual event that takes place in the UK, this year on the 2nd of February, to raise awareness about mental health and encourage people to start conversations about mental health and wellbeing. The awareness day and associated event is an opportunity for people to talk openly and honestly about…

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The Relationship Between Seasonal Affective Disorder & Addiction

Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SADs, is a type of depression that occurs during certain seasons, typically in the autumn and winter months. It is believed to be caused by a lack of sunlight, which can disrupt the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and lead to feelings of sadness, fatigue, and decreased energy. SAD is…

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The Connection Between Sleep and Addiction Recovery

When looking after your mental and physical health, many people underestimate the importance of sleep. This is just as true when moving forward in your addiction recovery. These two issues are no doubt inextricably linked, with those who suffer from substance use disorders up to 10 times more likely to also struggle with a sleep…

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