New Leaf's Collaboration with Academic Institutions

Over the past three years, we have developed an academic collaboration with Nottingham Trent University. We offer a clinical placement to undergraduate BSc Psychology students. This provides an opportunity for our service to access traditional and contemporary psychological theory and intervention. In turn, the students gain valuable experience in understanding the nature of addiction, the delivery of a therapeutic programme and clinical application skills. A previous student has used her experience as a basis for ongoing research into using dreams. Their supernumerary capacity allows them the freedom to tailor their placement to meet their needs in terms of personal and professional growth around their own areas of interest.


Previous placement student:  

As the first placement student at New Leaf Recovery, I’m not sure anyone really knew what to expect, but I cannot be any more grateful for the opportunity I was given. When I started my placement here two years ago, I had no idea I would be now working as a Support Worker at New Leaf Recovery today. The experience I gained over the time I spent here on placement was invaluable. New Leaf Recovery gives students the chance to see psychology at work in the real world. It definitely challenged my viewpoints that I had formed through my academic studying but also allowed me to use this knowledge in a beneficial way in. My employability skills were improved on all fronts as I gained experience in both the administration, clinical, and support work sides of the business. The team here at New leaf are friendly and hardworking, but more than anything they allowed and supported me in both personal and professional growth, and still do to this day.

Current placement student:

New leaf recovery project has opened my eyes to the world of recovery. I’m learning new things every day. It’s also helped me gain the clinical experience I can take back with me to university and my future career. I have gained skills in administering medication, confidence in talking to and leading groups with vulnerable people, handling risk assessments and care plans, first aid and fire marshalling, taking part in admissions and discharges and organising admin work. Most importantly my knowledge around addiction has grown and I have really enjoyed having first hand practical experience. The team made me feel very welcomed and it is a pleasure to work with such  amazing people. I will be continuing within this area after this placement as it has fuelled my interested in addiction which I would love to build on further.

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