Rehabilitation Treatments

Rehabilitation is a key part of every recovery journey, offering an opportunity for individuals to break the cycle of addiction in a safe and fully supported environment.

New Leaf offers a complete journey of residential rehabilitation and treatment for addiction - from detoxification and rehabilitation through to our bespoke aftercare programme, supported at every stage by our professional and empathetic staff.

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The main focus of rehabilitation treatment is to address an individual’s struggles with substance usage, managing their feelings and helping them to understand and work on rectifying the consequences of their behaviour.

During this process, we would concentrate on the underlying issues of self-esteem, personal relationships, sexual relationships, fears and insecurities. This would enable clients to have healthy relationships, higher self-esteem, and a reduced level of fear, which potentially left unaddressed, would lead to relapse.

We believe that the emotional and psychological work undertaken by our clients, in addressing these underlying issues, must be worked through during a period of abstinence. All our clients’ emotions and reactions will be managed safely, allowing greater personal progress. This will allow all clients to take part in and benefit from the programme.

Rehabilitation Programme Of Recovery

From detoxification and rehabilitation to our tailored aftercare programme, New Leaf provides a comprehensive residential rehabilitation treatment experience for addiction, with our experienced and compassionate staff providing support at every turn.

Group Therapy

Group Therapy for Addiction

Group therapy forms a big part of our treatment programme at New Leaf Recovery. We believe in the power of group therapy as it has been proven to be a successful therapy in its own right, and there are many benefits to this type of rehabilitation treatment modality.

Groups at New Leaf Recovery are held in a private, comfortable and non-judgemental environment. A qualified facilitator conducts the session, and all clients are provided with the opportunity to feed and receive back input from their peers.

The facilitator ensures that the session stays focused and within the boundaries of the therapeutic goals throughout the session.Examples of recovery based topics which may be discussed in group therapy are communication and personal boundaries, co-dependency and forming healthy relationships, relapse prevention, self-esteem, assets & defects and denial and acceptance.

Twelve Step Therapy

12 step recovery programme

At New Leaf Recovery we explore a range of recovery models including the 12-step programme. The 12 step recovery programme works by applying spiritual principles and adopting a pragmatic and selfless approach to the challenges that individuals may face as a result of their addiction.

The 12 steps are a journey of self-discovery that helps to peel back the layers of the denial, guilt, shame and baggage that build up over a period of time in active addiction in order to address the core issues.

12 step programmes are a proven recovery model helping millions of people achieve total abstinence. Whilst the principles of the 12 step programme resonate with the majority of clients we work with; we do also recognise that not everyone responds to the 12 step programme.

At New Leaf, we offer a flexible approach for each individual to ensure they find the right tools in rehabilitation to aid them in long term recovery.

CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CBT - talking therapy - man on sofa talking to lady with notepad

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.

It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems, particularly those that develop during the cycle of addiction.

At New Leaf, as part of our rehabilitation, we use cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as a method of helping individuals understand the ways in which they think and behave and then work on changing this in order to overcome addiction.

Recovery Portfolio & 1:1 Sessions

One to One Counselling

Clients at New Leaf Recovery are allocated both a keyworker and a recovery worker, meaning there is a large amount of individual support during their rehabilitation period.

New Leaf have designed and developed a ‘Recovery Portfolio’ which is a workbook containing activities looking at different areas of addiction and the associated behaviours. Recovery workers have individual sessions with clients, providing support and guidance around the completion of the portfolio. This method works particularly well with clients who prefer visual stimulation or may struggle with literacy, as well as those who are not so confident in a group setting.



At New Leaf, we work closely with a number of accredited counsellors and a psychotherapist. They take time to come into the rehabilitation centre and work with clients on an individual level.

They are on hand to see clients dealing with emotional issues such as addiction, trauma, abuse, bereavement, stress and relationship problems. These sessions run in conjunction with the 1-1 work taking place between clients and their allocated keyworker and recovery worker.

Health and Well-Being

Health & Well-Being - lady doing yoga in field with bike on left

At New Leaf, in addition to our group therapy programme we offer a range of holistic therapies such as Emotional Freedom Technique and Meditation to heal the mind, body and spirit in conjunction with our writing and talking therapies. We are also unique in being able to provide Art Therapy and Movement Psychotherapy sessions. These holistic therapies are intended to complement our group therapy sessions and help our clients find peace of mind to aid their recovery journey.

Mutual Aid Meetings

In the evening clients are able to attend the 12 Step Fellowship Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and other mutual aid meetings. They take place either in-house or are local community based meetings within walking distance of our rehabilitation centre.

New Leaf also run a weekly ‘Community Share’ session where a member of the local recovery community attends the centre to share their experience of addiction and recovery with New Leaf clients and provide an opportunity for clients to ask any questions they may have.

Alcohol Anonymous
Narcotics Logo

The Importance of Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is a vital part of the recovery process for all individuals who are grappling with addiction. It is a vital step in understanding the need for further help and support in order to overcome an addiction struggle.

At New Leaf Recovery, we are on hand to help and support every individual who wants to take the first step in turning over a new leaf and search for a brighter future.

Turn Over Your New Leaf

If you are concerned for your own well-being, or for the well-being of a loved one, please do not hesitate to get in touch with New Leaf today.

Addiction Treatment

Our Complete Recovery Journey - from your initial enquiry, all the way through treatment and beyond into ongoing support, New Leaf Recovery are there to guide and support you.

Treatments & Services

New Leaf offers a complete journey of treatment - from initial detoxification and rehabilitation to ongoing support, including aftercare, family support, and beyond into long-term recovery.


Getting the right accommodation enables us to provide the right backdrop for our recovery methods.  Any form of rehabilitation needs to happen in a safe, comfortable, secure and friendly environment.

Our phone lines are always open. Give us a call today.