Where Did the 12 Steps Come From?
You’ve probably heard of the 12 steps program, especially if you’ve ever considered addiction recovery. But what exactly is it, how did it start, and how did it become so widely spread as one of the most well know recovery programs?

What Is the 12 Steps Program?
The 12 steps program is a popular addiction recovery program that is widely used in substance abuse recovery groups. The program is designed to help those struggling with their addiction and helps the people on the program work towards building and maintaining sobriety in their lives.
From Getting Alcohol Addiction Help: Origins of the 12 Steps
Although the 12 steps program started out primarily as a tool to get alcohol addiction help, it has now grown and has been developed into a tool used to achieve sobriety no matter what your addiction.
The program was created for alcohol addiction help in 1938 by a former Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) member. He used his experience to generate tips and ideas for how to achieve sobriety. These initial tips would eventually be developed into the 12 steps program and put into action.
For those that couldn’t attend in-person AA meetings the steps were written down and this model then spread. Many alternative versions have also been established for different addictions and to cater to those that would prefer a less religious version than the original faith-based program.
The 12 Steps Explained
While there are a variety of versions available with slightly different wording, the overall themes of the 12 steps remain the same.
To reach the goal of sobriety, the themes of the 12 steps recommended by the program are:
- Honesty
- Have faith or hope.
- Surrender and trust.
- Insight or soul searching.
- Integrity.
- Acceptance.
- Show humility.
- Willingness and willpower.
- Take responsibility and find forgiveness.
- Maintenance and discipline.
- Making a connection/ spirituality.
- Service – carry it forward.
Using the 12 Steps and Beyond
If you’ve decided you would like to start the 12 steps program, then you will need to reach out to your local addiction group. Usually, a member of these groups would have completed a rehabilitation program of some kind, and so will have been sober for at least a little while before getting started.
If you’re not yet at this point then get in touch with New Leaf Recovery today, we offer several rehabilitation programs and can support you on your journey to sobriety. Once sober, your recovery doesn’t stop – and neither does our support. This would be the perfect time to start implementing the 12 steps or other types of addiction treatment, get in touch today to find out more.